Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, MS 106 (106)
  • s. viiiex/ixin
Not yet published
Kenney, James F., “Chapter VII: Religious literature and ecclesiastical culture”, in: James F. Kenney, The sources for the early history of Ireland: an introduction and guide. Volume 1: ecclesiastical, Revised ed., 11, New York: Octagon, 1966. 622–744.
714–715   [572] “The Cursus hymnorum
Jones, Leslie Webber, “Cologne MS 106: a book of Hildebald”, Speculum 4:1 (Jan., 1929): 27–41.

Results for Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, MS 106 (1)
Not yet published.

Manuscript containing several works by Bede and Alcuin, with additional material such as hymns and lintanies. It was written by at least seven hands, two of them Insular, during the episcopacy of Hildebald, bishop of Cologne (794-819).

  • s. viiiex/ixin